Saturday, August 19, 2006

Hypodermic Needle Phobia Fix

Just yesterday we wrote that TV can be a powerful pain medication for children. Today, we can report that you don't even need a TV, if your problem is a fear of needles, known as trypanophobia. All you need is to decorate the needles. Researchers at the University of New Mexico's Health Sciences Center decorated needles with butterflies, flowers and smiley faces, and found that needle aversion was reduced by 68 percent, fear by 53 percent and anxiety by 53 percent.

lmer Sibbitt, a professor in UNM's School of Medicine, said the decorated medical devices likely form a neurophysiological intervention, resulting in stimulation of brain areas usually not associated with fear, anxiety and aversion. "It would be great to see these types of decorated needles, syringes, and IV bags mass produced," he said.

Don't expect them to be covered by your company's health plan, though.


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