Tuesday, March 14, 2006

When Life Gives You Beer...

Last weekend, according to an Associated Press article, Haldis Gundersen of Kristiandsund, near Oslo, Norway finished her dinner and was preparing to do the dishes. She turned on her kitchen faucet expecting water to come out. But instead, life threw Gundersen a fermented curve ball. In an apparent miracle, beer was coming out of Gundersen's faucet. It almost seemed like the miracle of the water turning into wine, except that there was no wedding, Jesus and Mary were conspicuously absent, and the beer was flat.

Downstairs, employees and customers at the Big Tower Bar were experiencing an anti-miracle, as water was inexplicably coming out of the beer tap. It turns out that someone in the bar had connected the beer hoses to the water pipes for Gundersen's apartment.

The local beer distributor was called in and soon walked the bartenders through the process of getting things connected properly. I'm guessing that the bar patrons were responsible for getting things fixed as quickly as possible.

It's lucky for the Big Tower Bar that they had the 50-year-old Gundersen as a neighbor. If some college students had lived upstairs, every vessel in the apartment would have been filled with beer in a matter of minutes.


At March 21, 2006, Blogger Neal said...

That happened to me in a dream once.


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