Friday, January 13, 2006

The Random Chicken

I'm going to try to post an interesting website every so often. And, now, for our very first one...[drumstick roll, please]...

The Official Random Chicken Website. This site has one purpose - to keep chickens as random as they can be, and it does so with a simplicity that you don't often see on the internet. Just click on the link, and check out your random chicken. There's a link you can cluck to see another random chicken.

One thing you'll notice about this site is that it was created in 1995 and hasn't been updated since 2001. That's the sign of a brilliant vision coupled with the realization that serving the internet's random chicken community doesn't require a website redesign every year. As long as the chickens are random, you have all the variety you need in a random chicken website.


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